Posted in Fiction

The Devil and His Boy – Review

The Devil and His Boy by Anthony Horowitz

The Devil and His Boy is a historical fiction book, about a boy who becomes an aspiring actor and finds himself in a mysterious conspiracy, all set in the year 1593. The plot, in general, is very similar to Oliver Twist, and apart from his desire to be an actor and his split-second risky decision at the end, our protagonist Tom has no character. The plot is fairly simple, and mostly consists of our character meeting and interacting with real-life historical figures, which Horowitz wanted to feature in the book. This is an example for a book that was written for a purpose other than to tell an interesting story, or to have compelling characters, so it makes a rather uninteresting read. Horowitz’s skill at describing the scenes still shines through with some beautiful sentences littered through the book, but unfortunately, it doesn’t redeem it. If you have a particular interest in Tudor times, maybe give it a try, otherwise skip it.

Rating – 👎



If you look to the left, you'll see a... lion? Yeah I think that's a lion. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a lion. You know what I'll go in and check

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