Posted in Non-Fiction

How To Pass Exams – Review

How To Pass Exams by Domonic O’brien

Straight off the bat, this book is really short. Especially for its genre. It’s completely packed with tips and info, all nicely chopped into only 241 pages. The author is very well equipped to teach us how to pass exams since he is the 8-times world memory champion, says he was terrible at school when he was younger too, and he is able to memorise an entire deck of cards in under a minute. There are only 20 chapters, each covering a very specific technique to help with memorising names, numbers, places, how to take notes, and how to use your memory in the way that it was designed.

He says multiple times that your brain evolved to remember images in a spacial way, so if your place crazy images in an actual place you know, you’ll never forget something again. At the start of the book I made a route in my head of a bunch of random words and by following that route and seeing the images I made, I won’t forget it soon. I think I might permanently have the memory of bacon on stairs, a bell in my doorframe, and a net in the middle of the road. This book is the real thing, and it has really effective methods. If you have exams, its self destructive not to get this book, and if you don’t it’ll still very much come in handy to memorise the day to day things in your life, so I reccomend this book to everyone.

Rating – 👍


If you look to the left, you'll see a... lion? Yeah I think that's a lion. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a lion. You know what I'll go in and check

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