Posted in Programs I'm Using

Top Six Most Useful Chrome Extensions

As you probably already know, Chrome Extensions are the mini-in-browser-apps which can tweak how the browser behaves just for you, which can go on any good browser, including my browser Brave. You can get them (the vast majority which are free) from the Chrome Web Store. Once you know how they work, they can be incredibly useful, so here are the top six ones which you should definitely have.

Save Pinned Tabs

The pinned tabs system on chrome is pretty terrible. I think how it’s meant to work is that your tabs are smaller so you can fit more tabs, and they’re meant to stay each time you open a new window. But they do so rarely. It’s pretty clear not a lot of work has gone into pinned tabs. Save Pinned Tabs lets you set up what tabs you always want (for me it’s Evernote and Spotify) and you just have to click two buttons to get those tabs opened and pinned if chrome has decided it doesn’t want to do it this time. I have it set on auto, so Spotify and Evernote are always open for me.

Ublock Origin

A classic ad blocker. I know ad blocking can be considered unethical, but they are just so annoying. And Ublock is probably the purest ad blocker. The original AdBlocker was swayed over to the dark side and started allowing ads, but Ublock Origin knows what it’s for and keeps it simple. Buuut, Brave Browser does autoblock ads.


Over time, the Grammarly ads have grown on me. Like all products though, they advertise they’re premium features and make them seem like they’re free, which can get annoying. But once you’re accustomed to the pretty simple spelling and grammar corrections it gives, you’ll appreciate how grammar and spelling mitsakes you don’t have to catch (or not catch) anymore.

Form Filler

Ok, here’s a secret. There are actually ways of making money online. Ways that don’t require much work. They’re called surveys, and if you want some good links to survey platforms send a message in the contact me section. And here’s another secret. Some surveys have huge walls of boxes you have to select, and who has time for that. So Form Filler just auto fills all of them. Neat!

Distraction Free for Youtube

This is maybe the greatest extension that has ever been made. It gets rid of all the annoying attention fraying garbage on the side of Youtube, so you can watch what you came to watch in peace and solitude. We all know the Youtube comments are made out of what comes out the backside of dogs, cows, and even humans, yet for some reason we can’t stop scrolling down to see what they’re saying even when we’re enjoying the video! It’s not worth it! Don’t do it. Come back. Get Distraction Free.

Home New Tab Page

I’ve had home new tab page for so long I can hardly remember what the default google home page is. But who can deny that home new tab page is so sexy. I have it on rotating background image, and I’ve never had a bad one. It’s super customisable, you can get to all your tabs incredibly fast, there’s a notes page for stuff you have to get down quickly, there’s your email inbox straight to your homepage. Its so beatiful. You can store notes for later usage likes its nothing. And best of all, it automatically backups everything you have, so if you’re on a new computer or account, so if you’re on a new computer you can port all that good stuff back in like it was never gone, it’s amazing!

What chrome extensions do you use? Leave a comment and tell me.



If you look to the left, you'll see a... lion? Yeah I think that's a lion. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a lion. You know what I'll go in and check

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